Uses of Class

Packages that use LoggerManagerDecorator

Uses of LoggerManagerDecorator in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator

Subclasses of LoggerManagerDecorator in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator
 class CachingDecorator
          This class implements LoggerManager interface by passing all the job to a wrapped LoggerManager, but the returened Loggers are cached.
 class LogToSelfDecorator
          This class intercepts the class passed to us via enableLogging() and substibutes it by LoggerSwitch.get() logger.
 class OverrideDefaultDecorator
          Overrides the value passed from getDefaultLogger().
 class PrefixDecorator
          This class implements LoggerManager interface by prepending a prefix to all requests and letting the wrapped LoggerManager actually create the loggers.

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