Uses of Interface

Packages that use LoggerManager
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component Extended component management services. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl The fortress.impl package contains the containment abstraction of the Fortress system  
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler The handler package includes the lifestyle support systems. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.util The util package includes general unities supporting configuration and context management. 

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component that implement LoggerManager
 class LogkitLoggerManager
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component that return LoggerManager
 LoggerManager ExcaliburComponentManagerCreator.getLoggerManager()
          Deprecated. Returns the configured LoggerManager.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component with parameters of type LoggerManager
 void ExcaliburComponentSelector.setLoggerManager(LoggerManager logkit)
          Deprecated. Configure the LoggerManager.
 void ExcaliburComponentManager.setLoggerManager(LoggerManager logkit)
          Deprecated. Configure the LoggerManager.

Constructors in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component with parameters of type LoggerManager
LogkitLoggerManager(LoggerManager loggerManager, LogKitManager logKitManager)

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger that implement LoggerManager
 class AbstractLoggerManager
          This abstract class implements LogEnabled.
 class ConsoleLoggerManager
          This is a very simple logger manager for debugging purpose that uses always the ConsoleLogger
 class DefaultLoggerManager
          This logger manager is a wrapper around all other "real" logger managers.
 class Log4JConfLoggerManager
          A LoggerManager for Log4j that will configure the Log4j subsystem using specified configuration.
 class Log4JLoggerManager
          Log4JLoggerManager implementation.
 class LoggerLoggerManager
          A LoggerManager that operates off of an existing Logger instance.
 class LogKitLoggerManager
          LogKitLoggerManager implementation.
 class SimpleLogKitManager
          A LoggerManager that supports the old <logs version="1.0"/> style logging configuration from Phoenix.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger that return LoggerManager
static LoggerManager Facade.createLogKitConfigurable(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String switchTo)
          Assemble a new LoggerManager running on top of LogKit configured from a configuration file logging to a supplied logger as a fallback.
static LoggerManager Facade.createLog4JConfigurable(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String switchTo)
          Assemble LoggerManager for Log4J system configured via a configuration file.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger with parameters of type LoggerManager
 void LoggerManageable.setLoggerManager(LoggerManager loggerManager)
          Sets the LoggerManager for child components.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator that implement LoggerManager
 class CachingDecorator
          This class implements LoggerManager interface by passing all the job to a wrapped LoggerManager, but the returened Loggers are cached.
 class LoggerManagerDecorator
          This is the base class to create LoggerManager decorators.
 class LogToSelfDecorator
          This class intercepts the class passed to us via enableLogging() and substibutes it by LoggerSwitch.get() logger.
 class OverrideDefaultDecorator
          Overrides the value passed from getDefaultLogger().
 class PrefixDecorator
          This class implements LoggerManager interface by prepending a prefix to all requests and letting the wrapped LoggerManager actually create the loggers.

Fields in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator declared as LoggerManager
protected  LoggerManager LoggerManagerDecorator.m_loggerManager
          The wrapped-in LoggerManager.

Constructors in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator with parameters of type LoggerManager
PrefixDecorator(LoggerManager loggerManager, java.lang.String prefix)
          Creates a PrefixDecorator instance.
OverrideDefaultDecorator(LoggerManager loggerManager, Logger defaultLogger)
          Creates an OverrideDecorator instance.
CachingDecorator(LoggerManager loggerManager)
          Creates a CachingDecorator instance.
LoggerManagerDecorator(LoggerManager loggerManager)
LogToSelfDecorator(LoggerManager loggerManager, java.lang.String switchTo)
          Creates a LogToSelfDecorator instance.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.log4j

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.log4j that implement LoggerManager
 class Log4JAdapter
          This class sits on top of an existing Log4J Hierarchy and returns logger wrapping Log4J loggers.
 class Log4JConfAdapter
          A LoggerManager for Log4j that will configure the Log4j subsystem using specified configuration.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.logkit

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.logkit that implement LoggerManager
 class LogKitAdapter
          This class sits on top of an existing LogKit Hierarchy and returns logger wrapping LogKit loggers.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.util

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.util that implement LoggerManager
 class LoggerManagerTee
          An AvalonTee object is not usefull by itself as it does not implement any component interface.

Constructors in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.util with parameters of type LoggerManager
LoggerManagerTee(LoggerManager loggerManager)
          Creates a new instance of LoggerManagerTee.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl

Fields in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl declared as LoggerManager
protected  LoggerManager AbstractContainer.m_loggerManager
          contains the impl's LoggerManager, which is extracted from m_serviceManager.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler

Fields in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler declared as LoggerManager
protected  LoggerManager AbstractComponentHandler.m_loggerManager
          Logger Manager

Constructors in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler with parameters of type LoggerManager
ComponentFactory(java.lang.Class componentClass, Configuration configuration, ServiceManager serviceManager, Context context, LoggerManager loggerManager, LifecycleExtensionManager extManager)
          Construct a new component factory for the specified component.

Uses of LoggerManager in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util

Fields in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util declared as LoggerManager
protected  LoggerManager ContextManager.m_loggerManager
          The logger manager in use.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util with parameters of type LoggerManager
 void FortressConfig.setLoggerManager(LoggerManager logManager)

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