Uses of Interface

Packages that use Instrumentable
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component Extended component management services. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.servlet This package provides the ExcaliburComponentManagerServlet which makes it easy to use the ExcaliburComponentManager in a servlet environment. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource Datastore utilities. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool Object pool interfaces and implementations. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler The handler package includes the lifestyle support systems. 

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractDualLogEnabledInstrumentable
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class ComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class DefaultComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class DefaultComponentManager
          Deprecated. Please use ExcaliburComponentManager instead
 class DefaultComponentSelector
          Deprecated. use ExcaliburComponentSelector instead.
 class ExcaliburComponentManager
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class ExcaliburComponentSelector
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class PoolableComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class ThreadSafeComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] ExcaliburComponentSelector.getChildInstrumentables()
          Deprecated. Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.
 Instrumentable[] ExcaliburComponentManager.getChildInstrumentables()
          Deprecated. Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.
 Instrumentable[] AbstractDualLogEnabledInstrumentable.getChildInstrumentables()
          Deprecated. Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component with parameters of type Instrumentable
protected  void AbstractDualLogEnabledInstrumentable.addChildInstrumentable(Instrumentable child)
          Deprecated. Adds a child Instrumentable to the list of child Instrumentables published by the component.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.example_im

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.example_im that implement Instrumentable
 class DefaultExampleInstrumentable
          This example application creates a component which registers several Instruments for the example.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.example_im that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] DefaultExampleInstrumentable.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.servlet

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.servlet that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractComponentManagerServlet
          Deprecated. Use of this class has been deprecated along with the ComponentManager interface. Please use the AbstractServiceManagerServlet.
 class AbstractServiceManagerServlet
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.servlet that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] AbstractServiceManagerServlet.getChildInstrumentables()
          Deprecated. Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.
 Instrumentable[] AbstractComponentManagerServlet.getChildInstrumentables()
          Deprecated. Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.servlet with parameters of type Instrumentable
protected  void AbstractServiceManagerServlet.addChildInstrumentable(Instrumentable child)
          Deprecated. Adds a child Instrumentable to the list of child Instrumentables published by the component.
protected  void AbstractComponentManagerServlet.addChildInstrumentable(Instrumentable child)
          Deprecated. Adds a child Instrumentable to the list of child Instrumentables published by the component.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource that implement Instrumentable
 class ResourceLimitingJdbcConnectionPool
          A ResourceLimiting JdbcConnectionPool which allows for fine configuration of how the pool scales to loads.
 class ResourceLimitingJdbcDataSource
          The ResourceLimiting implementation for DataSources in Avalon.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool that implement Instrumentable
 class InstrumentedResourceLimitingPool
          General Pool implementation which supports; weak and strong pool size limits, optional blocking gets when poolables are not available, and automatic pool trimming of unused poolables.
 class ValidatedResourceLimitingPool
          A ResourceLimitingPool which validates reused poolables before they are returned with a call get().

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] InstrumentedResourceLimitingPool.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.thread.impl

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.thread.impl that implement Instrumentable
 class InstrumentedResourceLimitingThreadPool
          A Thread Pool which can be configured to have a hard limit on the maximum number of threads which will be allocated.

Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.thread.impl that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] InstrumentedResourceLimitingThreadPool.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.components

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.components that implement Instrumentable
 class TranslatorImpl
          Simple implementation of the Translator component, which maintains a simple mapping of keys to translated values, created during configuration.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.factory

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.factory that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractObjectFactory
          AbstractObjectFactory does XYZ
 class NoopObjectFactory
          NoopObjectFactory is used in situations where no proxied objects are desired.
 class ProxyObjectFactory
          An ObjectFactory that delegates to another ObjectFactory and proxies results of that factory.
 class WrapperObjectFactory
          An object factory that delegates all calls to another object factory and wraps the returned object into another object that exposes only the wrapped object's work interface(s).

Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.factory that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] AbstractObjectFactory.getChildInstrumentables()

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractComponentHandler
          AbstractComponentHandler class, ensures components are initialized and destroyed correctly.
 class ComponentFactory
          Factory for Avalon components.
 class FactoryComponentHandler
          The FactoryComponentHandler to make sure components are initialized and destroyed correctly.
 class PerThreadComponentHandler
          The PerThreadComponentHandler implements a singleton with a slight difference: one single instance per thread.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.excalibur.instrument

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.instrument that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractInstrumentable
          Utility class to ease the construction of components that can be instrumented.
 class AbstractLogEnabledInstrumentable
          Utility class to ease the construction of components that can be instrumented but must also implement LogEnabled.

Fields in org.apache.excalibur.instrument declared as Instrumentable
static Instrumentable[] Instrumentable.EMPTY_INSTRUMENTABLE_ARRAY
          Empty Instrumentable array for use in hierarchical Instrumentable systems.

Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] AbstractInstrumentable.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.
 Instrumentable[] Instrumentable.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.
 Instrumentable[] AbstractLogEnabledInstrumentable.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument with parameters of type Instrumentable
protected  void AbstractInstrumentable.addChildInstrumentable(Instrumentable child)
          Adds a child Instrumentable to the list of child Instrumentables published by the component.
 void InstrumentManager.registerInstrumentable(Instrumentable instrumentable, java.lang.String instrumentableName)
          Instrumentable to be registered with the instrument manager.
protected  void AbstractLogEnabledInstrumentable.addChildInstrumentable(Instrumentable child)
          Adds a child Instrumentable to the list of child Instrumentables published by the component.
 void NoopInstrumentManager.registerInstrumentable(Instrumentable instrumentable, java.lang.String instrumentableName)
          Instrumentable to be registered with the instrument manager.

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractHandler
 class AbstractHTMLHandler
 class AbstractXMLHandler
 class FavIconHandler
          Serves up a favicon.ico file.
 class HTMLCreateSampleHandler
 class HTMLGCHandler
 class HTMLInstrumentableHandler
 class HTMLInstrumentHandler
 class HTMLInstrumentManagerHandler
 class HTMLRootHandler
 class HTMLSampleHandler
 class HTMLSampleLeaseHandler
 class InstrumentManagerHTTPConnector
          An HTTP connector which allows a client to connect to the ServiceManager using the HTTP protocol.
 class SampleChartHandler
 class XMLCreateSampleHandler
 class XMLCreateSamplesHandler
          Handler which can be used to create multiple samples at once.
 class XMLGCHandler
 class XMLInstrumentableHandler
 class XMLInstrumentHandler
 class XMLInstrumentManagerHandler
 class XMLSampleHandler
 class XMLSampleLeaseHandler
 class XMLSampleLeasesHandler
 class XMLSnapshotHandler
 class XMLSnapshotsHandler

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http.server

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http.server that implement Instrumentable
 class AbstractHTTPURLHandler
 class AbstractHTTPURLPrintWriterHandler
(package private)  class org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http.server.AbstractLogEnabledInstrumentableStartable
(package private)  class org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http.server.AbstractSocketServer
 class HTTPServer

Uses of Instrumentable in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl that implement Instrumentable
 class DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl

Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl.getChildInstrumentables()
          Any Object which implements Instrumentable can also make use of other Instrumentable child objects.

Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl with parameters of type Instrumentable
 void DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl.registerInstrumentable(Instrumentable instrumentable, java.lang.String instrumentableName)
          Instrumentable to be registered with the instrument manager.

Uses of Instrumentable in

Classes in that implement Instrumentable
 class MRUMemoryStore
          This class provides a cache algorithm for the requested documents.

Methods in that return Instrumentable
 Instrumentable[] AbstractReadWriteStore.getChildInstrumentables()
 Instrumentable[] MRUMemoryStore.getChildInstrumentables()

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