Uses of Interface

Packages that use Initializable
org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.datasources Default implementation of a datasource manager. 
org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore Default implementation of a sockets manager. 
org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.xml XML file persistence repository. 
org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets Default implementation of a sockets manager. Defintion of the connection service. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component Extended component management services. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource Datastore utilities. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool Object pool interfaces and implementations. 
org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase Excalibur testcase utilities. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl The fortress.impl package contains the containment abstraction of the Fortress system  
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler The handler package includes the lifestyle support systems. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.role The role package includes classes and interfaces supporting the ECM role abstraction. 
org.apache.avalon.fortress.util The util package includes general unities supporting configuration and context management. 

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.datasources

Classes in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.datasources that implement Initializable
 class DefaultDataSourceSelector
          A default implementation for DataSourceSelector.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore

Classes in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore that implement Initializable
 class File_Persistent_Object_Repository
          This is a simple implementation of persistent object store using object serialization on the file system.
 class File_Persistent_Stream_Repository
          Implementation of a StreamRepository to a File.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.xml

Classes in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.xml that implement Initializable
 class XMLFilePersistentObjectRepository
          This is a simple implementation of persistent object store using XML serialization from JDK 1.4 to a file system.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets

Classes in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets that implement Initializable
 class AbstractTLSSocketFactory
          Contains the code common for both TLS socket factories.
 class DefaultSocketManager
          Implementation of SocketManager.
 class SSLFactoryBuilder
          Builds SSLContexts with desired properties.
 class TLSServerSocketFactory
          Manufactures TLS server sockets.
 class TLSSocketFactory
          Manufactures TLS client sockets.

Uses of Initializable in

Classes in that implement Initializable
 class AbstractService
          Helper class to create protocol services.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.examples.jdbcdatasource

Classes in org.apache.avalon.examples.jdbcdatasource that implement Initializable
 class DefaultHelloDBService
          This example application creates a conmponent which makes use of a JdbcDataSource to connect to a Hypersonic SQL database.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component that implement Initializable
 class ComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class DefaultComponentHandler
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class DefaultComponentManager
          Deprecated. Please use ExcaliburComponentManager instead
 class DefaultComponentPool
          Deprecated. DefaultComponentPool is no longer used by the PoolableComponentHandler.
 class DefaultComponentSelector
          Deprecated. use ExcaliburComponentSelector instead.
 class ExcaliburComponentManager
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported
 class ExcaliburComponentSelector
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource that implement Initializable
 class JdbcConnectionPool
          The Pool implementation for JdbcConnections.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.cluster

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.cluster that implement Initializable
 class AbstractDataSourceCluster
 class DefaultHashedDataSourceCluster
          The DefaultHashedDataSourceCluster requires that the user specify an object or a hashCode which will be used consistantly select a member DataSource form a cluster for each connection request.
 class DefaultIndexedDataSourceCluster
          The DefaultIndexedDataSourceCluster requires that the user implement their own method of selecting which DataSource in the cluster to use for each connection request.
 class DefaultRoundRobinDataSourceCluster
          The DefaultRoundRobinDataSourceCluster allows the user to specify a cluster of DataSources which all act as one.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.ids

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.ids that implement Initializable
 class AbstractDataSourceBlockIdGenerator
          The AbstractDataSourceBlockIdGenerator allocates blocks of ids from a DataSource and then provides them as needed.
 class AbstractDataSourceIdGenerator
 class SequenceIdGenerator
          The SequenceIdGenerator requests each Id using a sequence in a database.
 class TableIdGenerator
          The TableIdGenerator requests blocks of ids from a Database table.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool that implement Initializable
 class HardResourceLimitingPool
          This is a implementation of Pool that is thread safe.
 class SingleThreadedPool
          This is an Pool that caches Poolable objects for reuse.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase

Classes in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase that implement Initializable
 class FullLifecycleComponent
          Deprecated. ECM is no longer supported

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.extended

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.extended that implement Initializable
 class ExtendedContainer

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.servlet

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.servlet that implement Initializable
 class ServletContainer
          Fortress based servlet example.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.swing

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.swing that implement Initializable
 class SwingContainer
          Simple Fortress based container containing a Swing implementation of Hello World.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.viewer

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.viewer that implement Initializable
 class ComponentViewer
          Simple Fortress container containing a Swing based viewer for performing lookups on registered components.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl that implement Initializable
 class AbstractContainer
          This abstract implementation provides basic functionality for building an implementation of the Container interface.
 class DefaultContainer
          This is the default implementation of Container, adding configuration markup semantics to the AbstractContainer.
 class DefaultContainerManager
          This is the default implementation of the ContainerManager interface.
 class DefaultECMContainer
          Customize the Fortress container to handle ECM compatibility

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler that implement Initializable
 class AbstractComponentHandler
          AbstractComponentHandler class, ensures components are initialized and destroyed correctly.
 class FactoryComponentHandler
          The FactoryComponentHandler to make sure components are initialized and destroyed correctly.
 class PerThreadComponentHandler
          The PerThreadComponentHandler implements a singleton with a slight difference: one single instance per thread.
 class PoolableComponentHandler
          The PoolableComponentHandler to make sure components are initialized and destroyed correctly.
 class ThreadSafeComponentHandler
          The ThreadSafeComponentHandler to make sure components are initialized and destroyed correctly.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.role

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.role that implement Initializable
 class FortressRoleManager
          The Excalibur Role Manager is used for Excalibur Role Mappings.
 class ServiceMetaManager
          ServiceMetaManager follows some simple rules to dynamically gather all services and the meta-information into one role manager.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.migration

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.migration that implement Initializable
 class FortressAdapter
          Fortress based component adapter.

Uses of Initializable in

Classes in that implement Initializable
 class FortressBean
          Bean for making it easier to run Fortress, for example as Ant task.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util

Classes in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util that implement Initializable
 class ContextManager
          You can get two different contexts from the ContextManager: the container context (m_childContext) and the container manager context (m_containerManagerContext)

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.event.command

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.event.command that implement Initializable
 class AbstractThreadManager
          Abstract base class for a ThreadManager that has a single ThreadPool for all pipelines
 class DefaultThreadManager
          A ThreadManager that will use an external ThreadPool.
 class TPCThreadManager
          This is a ThreadManager that uses a certain number of threads per processor.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl that implement Initializable
 class DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.mpool

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.mpool that implement Initializable
 class BlockingFixedSizePool
          This is an Pool that caches Poolable objects for reuse.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.source.impl

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.source.impl that implement Initializable
 class HTTPClientSource
          HTTP URL Source object, based on the Jakarta Commons HttpClient project.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.xml.impl

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.xml.impl that implement Initializable
 class XercesParser

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax that implement Initializable
 class JTidyHTMLParser
          Converter for transforming an input stream contain text/html data to SAX events.

Uses of Initializable in org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt

Classes in org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt that implement Initializable
 class XSLTProcessorImpl

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