Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.datasources |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.datasources with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
DefaultDataSourceSelector.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
RepositoryManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
void |
RepositoryManager.registerRepository(Configuration repConf)
void |
File_Persistent_Stream_Repository.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configuration of the component by the container. |
void |
File_Persistent_Object_Repository.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configuration of the component by the container. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.xml |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.masterstore.xml with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
XMLFilePersistentObjectRepository.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configuration of the component by the container. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets |
Fields in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets declared as Configuration | |
protected Configuration |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.sockets with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
TLSSocketFactory.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configures the factory. |
void |
TLSServerSocketFactory.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configures the factory. |
void |
SSLFactoryBuilder.configure(Configuration configuration)
void |
DefaultSocketManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configure the SocketManager. |
protected void |
DefaultSocketManager.setupServerSocketFactory(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String className,
Configuration configuration)
protected void |
DefaultSocketManager.setupClientSocketFactory(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String className,
Configuration configuration)
protected java.lang.Object |
DefaultSocketManager.createFactory(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String className,
Configuration configuration)
void |
AbstractTLSSocketFactory.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configures the factory. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.threads |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.blocks.threads with parameters of type Configuration | |
protected void |
ResourceLimitingThreadManager.configureThreadPool(java.util.Map threadPools,
Configuration configuration)
protected void |
DefaultThreadManager.configureThreadPool(java.util.Map threadPools,
Configuration configuration)
void |
AbstractThreadManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Setup thread pools based on configuration data. |
protected abstract void |
AbstractThreadManager.configureThreadPool(java.util.Map threadPools,
Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.services.connection |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.services.connection with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
AbstractService.configure(Configuration configuration)
void |
AbstractHandlerFactory.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.services.scheduler |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.services.scheduler with parameters of type Configuration | |
TimeTrigger |
TimeTriggerFactory.createTimeTrigger(Configuration conf)
Create TimeTrigger from configuration. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.examples.jdbcdatasource |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.examples.jdbcdatasource with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
DefaultHelloDBService.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
ExcaliburComponentSelector.configure(Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Default Configuration handler for ComponentSelector. |
protected ComponentHandler |
ExcaliburComponentSelector.getComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager logkitManager)
Deprecated. Obtain a new ComponentHandler for the specified component. |
void |
ExcaliburComponentSelector.addComponent(java.lang.Object hint,
java.lang.Class component,
Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Add a new component to the manager. |
void |
ExcaliburComponentManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Configure the ComponentLocator. |
protected ComponentHandler |
ExcaliburComponentManager.getComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager logkitManager)
Deprecated. Obtain a new ComponentHandler for the specified component. |
void |
ExcaliburComponentManager.addComponent(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class component,
Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Add a new component to the manager. |
void |
DefaultRoleManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Reads a configuration object and creates the role, shorthand, and class name mapping. |
static ComponentHandler |
ComponentHandler.getComponentHandler(java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager)
Deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of the version below which handles instrumentation. |
static ComponentHandler |
ComponentHandler.getComponentHandler(java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager,
InstrumentManager instrumentManager,
java.lang.String instrumentableName)
Deprecated. Looks up and returns a component handler for a given component class. |
static ComponentHandler |
ComponentHandler.getComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager)
Deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of the version below which handles instrumentation. |
static ComponentHandler |
ComponentHandler.getComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roleManager,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager,
InstrumentManager instrumentManager,
java.lang.String instrumentableName)
Deprecated. Looks up and returns a component handler for a given component class. |
Constructors in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component with parameters of type Configuration | |
ThreadSafeComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration config,
ComponentManager manager,
Context context,
RoleManager roles,
LogkitLoggerManager logkit)
Deprecated. Create a ComponentHandler that takes care of hiding the details of whether a Component is ThreadSafe, Poolable, or SingleThreaded. |
ThreadSafeComponentHandler(DefaultComponentFactory factory,
Configuration config)
Deprecated. Create a ThreadSafeComponentHandler which manages a pool of Components created by the specified factory object. |
PoolableComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration config,
ComponentManager manager,
Context context,
RoleManager roles,
LogkitLoggerManager logkit)
Deprecated. Create a ComponentHandler that takes care of hiding the details of whether a Component is ThreadSafe, Poolable, or SingleThreaded. |
PoolableComponentHandler(DefaultComponentFactory factory,
Configuration config)
Deprecated. Create a PoolableComponentHandler which manages a pool of Components created by the specified factory object. |
ExcaliburComponentManagerCreator(Context context,
Configuration loggerManagerConfig,
Configuration roleManagerConfig,
Configuration componentManagerConfig,
Configuration instrumentManagerConfig)
Deprecated. Create a new ExcaliburComponentManagerCreator using Configuration objects. |
DefaultComponentHandler(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration config,
ComponentManager manager,
Context context,
RoleManager roles,
LogkitLoggerManager logkit)
Deprecated. Create a ComponentHandler that takes care of hiding the details of whether a Component is ThreadSafe, Poolable, or SingleThreaded. |
DefaultComponentHandler(DefaultComponentFactory factory,
Configuration config)
Deprecated. Create a DefaultComponentHandler which manages a pool of Components created by the specified factory object. |
DefaultComponentFactory(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roles,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager)
Deprecated. This constructor has been deprecated in favor of the version below which handles instrumentation. |
DefaultComponentFactory(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ComponentManager componentManager,
Context context,
RoleManager roles,
LogkitLoggerManager loggerManager,
InstrumentManager instrumentManager,
java.lang.String instrumentableName)
Deprecated. Construct a new component factory for the specified component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
InformixDataSource.configure(Configuration conf)
Set up the Informix driver for direct use. |
void |
JdbcDataSource.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configure and set up DB connection. |
void |
J2eeDataSource.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configure and set up DB connection. |
void |
ResourceLimitingJdbcDataSource.configure(Configuration configuration)
Pass the Configuration to the Configurable
class. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.cluster |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.cluster with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
AbstractDataSourceCluster.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.ids |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.ids with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
AbstractDataSourceBlockIdGenerator.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
void |
SequenceIdGenerator.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
void |
AbstractDataSourceIdGenerator.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
void |
TableIdGenerator.configure(Configuration configuration)
Called by the Container to configure the component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger with parameters of type Configuration | |
LogTarget |
LogTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
Create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
void |
DefaultLogTargetManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the log targets. |
void |
DefaultLoggerManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the category mapping. |
void |
SimpleLogKitManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Interpret configuration to build loggers. |
void |
DefaultLogKitManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Deprecated. Reads a configuration object and creates the category mapping. |
void |
DefaultLogTargetFactoryManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the category mapping. |
void |
LogKitLoggerManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the category mapping. |
void |
Log4JConfLoggerManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.decorator with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
LoggerManagerDecorator.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory |
Fields in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory declared as Configuration | |
protected Configuration |
The Configuration object |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.factory with parameters of type Configuration | |
LogTarget |
PriorityFilterTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
LogTarget |
StreamTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
Create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected Formatter |
StreamTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
LogTarget |
FileTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
Create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected LogTarget |
FileTargetFactory.createTarget(java.io.File file,
Configuration configuration)
protected RotateStrategy |
FileTargetFactory.getRotateStrategy(Configuration conf)
protected FileStrategy |
FileTargetFactory.getFileStrategy(Configuration conf,
java.io.File file)
protected Formatter |
FileTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
LogTarget |
DatagramTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration conf)
Create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected Formatter |
DatagramTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
Returns the Formatter |
LogTarget |
ConsoleTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
Create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected Formatter |
ConsoleTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
LogTarget |
SocketTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration conf)
Creates a log target based on Configuration |
LogTarget |
SMTPTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration config)
Creates an SMTPOutputLogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected Formatter |
SMTPTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration config)
Helper method to obtain a formatter for this factory. |
protected javax.mail.Session |
SMTPTargetFactory.getSession(Configuration config)
Helper method to create a JavaMail Session object. |
Formatter |
FormatterFactory.createFormatter(Configuration conf)
void |
AbstractTargetFactory.configure(Configuration configuration)
Get the Configuration object |
LogTarget |
AsyncLogTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
LogTarget |
ServletTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
create a LogTarget based on a Configuration |
protected Formatter |
ServletTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
LogTarget |
JMSTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
protected Formatter |
JMSTargetFactory.getFormatter(Configuration conf)
LogTarget |
LF5TargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
LogTarget |
JDBCTargetFactory.createTarget(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.log4j |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.log4j with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
Log4JConfAdapter.configure(Configuration configuration)
Feed our configuration to Log4J. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.logkit |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.logkit with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
LogKitConfHelper.configure(Configuration configuration)
Populates the underlying Hierarchy . |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.util |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.util with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
AvalonTee.configure(Configuration config)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.monitor |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.monitor with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
PassiveMonitor.configure(Configuration config)
void |
ActiveMonitor.configure(Configuration config)
Configure the ActiveMonitor. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.excalibur.testcase with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
FullLifecycleComponent.configure(Configuration config)
Deprecated. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.components |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.components with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
TranslatorImpl.configure(Configuration config)
Configures this component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl that return Configuration | |
Configuration |
Returns the handler configuration |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
DefaultECMContainer.configure(Configuration conf)
Provide some validation for the core Cocoon components |
protected void |
DefaultECMContainer.processSelector(java.lang.String role,
Configuration config)
protected void |
DefaultECMContainer.addComponent(java.lang.String role,
java.lang.String hint,
java.lang.String shortName,
java.lang.String className,
Configuration element)
void |
DefaultContainer.configure(Configuration config)
Process the configuration and set up the components and their mappings. |
protected org.d_haven.mpool.ObjectFactory |
AbstractContainer.createObjectFactory(java.lang.String classname,
Configuration configuration)
Create an objectFactory for specified Object configuration. |
Constructors in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl with parameters of type Configuration | |
ComponentHandlerMetaData(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String classname,
Configuration configuration,
int activation)
Creation of a new impl handler meta data instance. |
ComponentHandlerMetaData(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String classname,
Configuration configuration,
boolean lazyActivation)
Deprecated. in favor of construction which takes an integer activation. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
PoolableComponentHandler.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configuration of the handler under which the minimum pool size is established. |
Constructors in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.handler with parameters of type Configuration | |
ComponentFactory(java.lang.Class componentClass,
Configuration configuration,
ServiceManager serviceManager,
Context context,
LoggerManager loggerManager,
LifecycleExtensionManager extManager)
Construct a new component factory for the specified component. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.role |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.role with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
ECMRoleManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the role, shorthand, and class name mapping. |
void |
ConfigurableRoleManager.configure(Configuration configuration)
Reads a configuration object and creates the role, shorthand, and class name mapping. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util |
Fields in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util declared as Configuration | |
protected static Configuration |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util that return Configuration | |
protected Configuration |
ContextManager.getConfiguration(java.lang.String configKey,
java.lang.String uriKey)
Get a configuration based on a config and URI key. |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.fortress.util with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
FortressConfig.setContainerConfiguration(Configuration config)
void |
FortressConfig.setLoggerManagerConfiguration(Configuration config)
void |
FortressConfig.setInstrumentManagerConfiguration(Configuration config)
void |
FortressConfig.setRoleManagerConfiguration(Configuration config)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration |
Subinterfaces of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration | |
interface |
A read/write extension of the Configuration interface. |
Classes in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration that implement Configuration | |
class |
This is an abstract Configuration implementation that deals
with methods that can be abstracted away from underlying implementations. |
class |
This is the default Configuration implementation. |
class |
An immutable implementation of the Configuration interface. |
Fields in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration declared as Configuration | |
protected static Configuration[] |
An empty (length zero) array of configuration objects. |
protected static Configuration[] |
An empty (length zero) array of configuration objects. |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration that return Configuration | |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.buildFromFile(java.lang.String filename)
Build a configuration object from a file using a filename. |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.buildFromFile(java.io.File file)
Build a configuration object from a file using a File object. |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.build(java.io.InputStream inputStream)
Build a configuration object using an InputStream. |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.build(java.io.InputStream inputStream,
java.lang.String systemId)
Build a configuration object using an InputStream; supplying a systemId to make messages about all kinds of errors more meaningfull. |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.build(java.lang.String uri)
Build a configuration object using an URI |
Configuration |
DefaultConfigurationBuilder.build(org.xml.sax.InputSource input)
Build a configuration object using an XML InputSource object |
Configuration[] |
Return an array of Configuration
elements containing all node children. |
Configuration |
DefaultImmutableConfiguration.getChild(java.lang.String name,
boolean createNew)
Return the first Configuration object child of this
associated with the given name. |
Configuration[] |
DefaultImmutableConfiguration.getChildren(java.lang.String name)
Return an array of Configuration objects
children of this associated with the given name. |
static Configuration |
ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Convert a DOM Element tree into a configuration tree. |
Configuration[] |
Return an array of Configuration
elements containing all node children. |
Configuration |
DefaultConfiguration.getChild(java.lang.String name,
boolean createNew)
Return the first Configuration object child of this
associated with the given name. |
Configuration[] |
DefaultConfiguration.getChildren(java.lang.String name)
Return an array of Configuration objects
children of this associated with the given name. |
Configuration |
AbstractConfiguration.getChild(java.lang.String name)
Return the first Configuration object child of this
associated with the given name. |
Configuration |
AbstractConfiguration.getChild(java.lang.String name,
boolean createNew)
Return the first Configuration object child of this
associated with the given name. |
Configuration |
Get the configuration object that was built. |
Configuration |
Get the configuration object that was built. |
Configuration |
Configuration |
Configuration.getChild(java.lang.String child)
Return a new Configuration instance encapsulating the
specified child node. |
Configuration |
Configuration.getChild(java.lang.String child,
boolean createNew)
Return a Configuration instance encapsulating the specified
child node. |
Configuration[] |
Return an Array of Configuration
elements containing all node children. |
Configuration[] |
Configuration.getChildren(java.lang.String name)
Return an Array of Configuration
elements containing all node children with the specified name. |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration with parameters of type Configuration | |
static org.w3c.dom.Element |
ConfigurationUtil.toElement(Configuration configuration)
Convert a configuration tree into a DOM Element tree. |
static java.lang.String |
ConfigurationUtil.toString(Configuration configuration)
Serialize the configuration object to a String. |
static boolean |
ConfigurationUtil.equals(Configuration c1,
Configuration c2)
Test to see if two Configuration's can be considered the same. |
void |
MutableConfiguration.addChild(Configuration configuration)
Add a child Configuration to this configuration element. |
void |
MutableConfiguration.addAll(Configuration other)
Add all the attributes, children and value from specified configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
MutableConfiguration.addAllAttributes(Configuration other)
Add all attributes from specified configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
MutableConfiguration.addAllChildren(Configuration other)
Add all child Configuration objects from specified
configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
MutableConfiguration.removeChild(Configuration configuration)
Remove a child Configuration to this configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addChild(Configuration configuration)
Add a child Configuration to this configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addAll(Configuration other,
boolean deepCopy)
Add all the attributes, children and value from specified configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addAll(Configuration other)
Add all the attributes, children and value from specified configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addAllAttributes(Configuration other)
Add all attributes from specified configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addAllChildren(Configuration other,
boolean deepCopy)
Add all child Configuration objects from specified
configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.addAllChildren(Configuration other)
Add all child Configuration objects from specified
configuration element to current configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfiguration.removeChild(Configuration configuration)
Remove a child Configuration to this configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serialize(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler,
Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration to a ContentHandler |
protected void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serializeElement(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler handler,
org.xml.sax.helpers.NamespaceSupport namespaceSupport,
Configuration element)
Serialize each Configuration element. |
void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serializeToFile(java.lang.String filename,
Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration object to a file using a filename. |
void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serializeToFile(java.io.File file,
Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration object to a file using a File object. |
void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serialize(java.io.OutputStream outputStream,
Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration object to an output stream. |
void |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serialize(java.lang.String uri,
Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration object to an output stream derived from an URI. |
java.lang.String |
DefaultConfigurationSerializer.serialize(Configuration source)
Serialize the configuration object to a string |
void |
Reconfigurable.reconfigure(Configuration configuration)
Describe reconfigure method here. |
void |
Configurable.configure(Configuration configuration)
Pass the Configuration to the Configurable
class. |
Constructors in org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration with parameters of type Configuration | |
DefaultImmutableConfiguration(Configuration config)
Deep copy constructor. |
DefaultConfiguration(Configuration config,
boolean deepCopy)
Copy constructor, to create a clone of another configuration. |
DefaultConfiguration(Configuration config)
Shallow copy constructor, suitable for craeting a writable clone of a read-only configuration. |
ConfigurationException(Configuration config)
Construct a new ConfigurationException instance. |
ConfigurationException(java.lang.String message,
Configuration config)
Construct a new ConfigurationException instance. |
ConfigurationException(java.lang.String message,
Configuration config,
java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Construct a new ConfigurationException instance. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.framework.container |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.framework.container with parameters of type Configuration | |
static void |
ContainerUtil.configure(java.lang.Object object,
Configuration configuration)
Configure specified object if it implements the Configurable interface. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters |
Methods in org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters with parameters of type Configuration | |
static Parameters |
Parameters.fromConfiguration(Configuration configuration)
Create a Parameters object from a Configuration
object. |
static Parameters |
Parameters.fromConfiguration(Configuration configuration,
java.lang.String elementName)
Create a Parameters object from a Configuration
object using the supplied element name. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client that return Configuration | |
Configuration |
Saves the current state into a Configuration. |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
InstrumentManagerConnection.loadState(Configuration state)
Loads the state from a Configuration object. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client.http |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client.http that return Configuration | |
Configuration |
Saves the current state into a Configuration. |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.client.http with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
HTTPInstrumentManagerConnection.loadState(Configuration state)
Loads the state from a Configuration object. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.http with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
InstrumentManagerHTTPConnector.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.impl with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl.configure(Configuration configuration)
Initializes the configured instrumentables. |
void |
DefaultInstrumentManagerImpl.loadStateFromConfiguration(Configuration state)
Loads the Instrument Manager state from the specified Configuration. |
void |
InstrumentProxy.configure(Configuration configuration)
Configures the Instrument. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.source |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.source with parameters of type Configuration | |
static SourceParameters |
SourceParameters.create(Configuration conf)
Create a new parameters object from the children of the configuration. |
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
JTidyHTMLParser.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.xml.xpath |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.xml.xpath with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
XPathProcessorImpl.configure(Configuration configuration)
void |
AbstractProcessorImpl.configure(Configuration configuration)
Uses of Configuration in org.apache.excalibur.xmlizer |
Methods in org.apache.excalibur.xmlizer with parameters of type Configuration | |
void |
DefaultXMLizer.configure(Configuration configuration)